About Us

We are a team of experienced IT professionals dedicated to providing top-notch IT solutions to businesses of all sizes.

Company Profile

Founded in 2016, Bitcom Solutions has been at the forefront of delivering innovative and reliable IT services to businesses of all sizes across Kenya. We understand the critical role technology plays in today’s fast-paced world, and our mission is to empower our clients with cutting-edge solutions that drive effeciently, security and growth.

As a midsize Information Technology Company, we combine the best. We have the focus and speed of the small IT outsourcing companies along with the Scalability and expertise of the big ones.

Eng. Paul Maundu, CEO at Bitcom Solutions

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Reach Us

Location :

Sartaj Shopping Mall
4Th Floor
Machakos-Kangundo Road
P.O Box 889 – 90100

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Phone :

+254 716 769 200
+254 788 905 678